Nursing Services
Blood Pressure Measurement

A nurse will take your blood pressure with a professional blood pressure machine. It will be recorded in your booklet that will be provided by ViaMedica. You can take this booklet to your doctor visits and if you prefer, we can provide you with a copy of the blood pressure flow sheet record showing all of your blood pressure and pulse readings.
It is recommended that you make an appointment, so we can spend time with you if you have any questions. Our goal is to help you choose a healthy lifestyle and to avoid complications from high blood pressure.
What is a blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the force in your arteries when the heart beats which is also called systolic pressure and when your heart is resting it is called diastolic pressure. It is measured in millimeters of mercury. High blood pressure is called hypertension and low blood pressure is called hypotension.
Why is it important to measure your blood pressure?
It is important to measure your blood pressure because most people with high blood pressure do not have symptoms. If not corrected it can cause heart attacks, strokes and in severe cases heart failure.
Please remember to bring the referral document from your physician when you come in for your appointment.